Supports creation of formal documents issued by a lessor to a potential lessee, outlining the basic terms and conditions of a proposed lease agreement, including rental rates, lease duration, and any associated fees or charges.
Involves the evaluation of potential lessees' credit score and the determination of appropriate terms for lease agreements. This process assesses risks associated with leasing to ensure that the lessor can confidently extend financing while protecting their interests.
Functionalities for identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks associated with lease agreements. This includes evaluating creditworthiness of lessees, analysing asset value fluctuations, and implementing strategies to minimize default or loss exposure throughout the lease term.
Supports all communication between leasing organisations and customers regarding lease agreements, negotiations, and other related matters. It encompasses the exchange of information, terms, and updates through various channels: email, phone calls and messaging inside B2C customer mobile application. Important part is B2B messaging for communication between sellers in the partner network and the leasing back office. This communication is facilitated via the web and mobile devices, ensuring seamless interactions and efficient management of leasing processes.
Enables systematic organization, storage, retrieval, and control of documents related to lease agreements. This includes handling paperwork such as lease contracts, amendments, correspondence, and financial records throughout the lifecycle of a lease. It supports also complete B2B document management between sellers in the partner network and the leasing back office on web and mobile devices.
Provides a wide range of available settings so products can be configured to reflect business needs. Core of the platform is a highly configurable. It boasts a broad range of features and streamlines the configuration process for calculating interest and repayment plans.
Refer to the processes of gathering, organizing, and analysing data related to lease agreements portfolios and sales. This includes generating comprehensive reports on lease performance, financial metrics, and key performance indicators to support strategic decision-making and optimize leasing operations.
Flexible module and functionality design of portals and mobile apps
Our portals and mobile applications offer a wide range of modules and functionalities designed to meet diverse user needs.
The screenshots below display typical layouts for these functionalities. However, we provide customization options to tailor these layouts to the specific requirements and preferences of our clients.
AdLeasing sales and reseller portal, along with the mobile app, empower your sales force and your partners to finalize leasing agreements directly at the point of sale. This streamlines the process and reduces transaction times to unlock efficiency in your operations.
This approach minimizes interactions between customers and leasing providers. The solution provides quotations, offers, contracts, and documentation, alongside risk management tools and real time messaging to ensure a comprehensive and efficient leasing experience.
Designed with efficiency and ease of use in mind, the B2C portal and mobile app guarantee a positive customer experience. Clear presentation of the most important information, such as balance and payments, contracts, and documents, puts clients in control. Real-time two-sided exchange of messages and content makes this platform a valuable cost-saving tool for leasing operations.
Customers can use the portal to manage their information autonomously and communicate effortlessly with their dealers.
The Backoffice portal is a user-friendly web-based desktop tool designed to simplify tasks related to underwriting, risk assessment, and document and contract management.
It significantly accelerates the process of preparing quotations and offers for customers, while simplifying risk assessment to reduce operational costs for leasing organizations. The platform also serves as a messaging and document management centre for sales processes and a valuable cost-saving tool for leasing operations.
The administration portal is used for product definition and document template creation and managing user roles and permissions, settings, interfaces, and other critical parameters.
It helps the back office improve product development and placement, fine-tune settings, interfaces, and critical parameters effortlessly, and more, all from one centralized platform.
For more information call +386 59 341 300 or write an e-mail at
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